Permeable Paving

Seamless outdoor water-permeable floor system

Permeable paving is becoming an increasingly popular finish for external surfaces, as we become more and more conscious of the importance for water to penetrate through outdoor flooring, back into the earth. Our permeable paving range consists of natural stone that is hand troweled for a strong, seamless and durable floor. Permeable paving can be applied over an existing surface of concrete or crushed rock, thicknesses vary depending on the type of application and traffic.

What is Permeable Paving?

Permeable paving is a porous flooring solution where natural stones are hand trowelled over a permeable substrate to create a seamless, textured finish which allows water to pass directly through, into the ground.

Substrates Permeable Paving Can Go Over

Permeable paving is applied Insitu over permeable concrete or crushed rock. We recommend permeable concrete as it is more durable substrate to apply the stones over.

Where Permeable Paving Can Be Applied

Permeable paving is suitable for a range of applications including around trees, footpaths, garden paths, carparks / garages, driveways, bicycle trails, terraces, balconies and around swimming pools.

Benefits of Permeable Paving

Water-permeable / porous

Environmentally Friendly



Low maintenance

Frost resistant and thaw resistant

Brush machine resistant

UV stable

Sizes & Colours

Natural Stones 4-6mm

Natural Stones 2-4mm

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